Finance is very important for business organisation . Finance includes planning of financial resources , making of optimum capital structure and effective utilization of financial resources by deep analysis of cost of capital and capital budgeting tool .
It is very advance technology . Like other technology , it can also increase the efficiency of business , so effective utilization with reasonable care is very necessary in Finance . Without this Finance can become dangerous for company . Suppose , if company obtains large amount through his network resource but company has not made good financial planning regarding its effective utilization , then Company can reach at the stage of Bankruptcy , because If Company has not good plan for investment , it will unable to provide good return to its creditor and shareholder , after this Creditors of Company can aback Company after demanding their fund . So , study of finance and its tool is very important .
Finance also play a vital role for progress of Corporate . All Indian big corporate like Reliance , SBI , Indian Oil Corporation , Bharat Heavy Electricals and Infosys can only grow because , they understood the importance of Finance and effective utilize its tool both in capital and cash market .
Professor Shiller of Yale University of USA explain the importance of Finance .
His way of instruction is very simple and easily understand by listening his lecture concentrately. His 1 hour and 14 minutes lecture is also broad caste on YouTube .
It is very advance technology . Like other technology , it can also increase the efficiency of business , so effective utilization with reasonable care is very necessary in Finance . Without this Finance can become dangerous for company . Suppose , if company obtains large amount through his network resource but company has not made good financial planning regarding its effective utilization , then Company can reach at the stage of Bankruptcy , because If Company has not good plan for investment , it will unable to provide good return to its creditor and shareholder , after this Creditors of Company can aback Company after demanding their fund . So , study of finance and its tool is very important .
Finance also play a vital role for progress of Corporate . All Indian big corporate like Reliance , SBI , Indian Oil Corporation , Bharat Heavy Electricals and Infosys can only grow because , they understood the importance of Finance and effective utilize its tool both in capital and cash market .
Professor Shiller of Yale University of USA explain the importance of Finance .
His way of instruction is very simple and easily understand by listening his lecture concentrately. His 1 hour and 14 minutes lecture is also broad caste on YouTube .