There are many major problems which restrict your email in tally 9 when you want to send any other person . So I am giving you the solution of above both problems . After this you can successfully send your reports directly email from tally 9 . Before starting this we should understand that Sending of Important reports like profit and loss account , balance sheet and other reports from direct email in tally 9 is so important because it is time saving because if we print all these document and then send through yahoo or any other email facility it will take time. So why not take the benefit from this facility .
When you see these error you have to follow following procedure
Tally Emailing Error
1. Error Message Bad From address
a. Tally able to communicate to the SMTP server but the from address mentioned in
the From field is wrong OR
b. Authentication is not mentioned for the SMTP server that is user name and
2. Error message Authentication Failed
a. Tally able to communicate to the SMTP server but the SMTP server denies the
access due to authentication. So mention the user name and password in the
authentication field. OR
b. If user tries to mention SMTP server address other than Internet service provider
or company domain SMTP address then the Authentication failed error message
will show.
3. Error Message Bad To address
a. Tally able to communicate to the SMTP server but the from address mentioned in
the From field is wrong OR
b. Authentication is not mentioned for the SMTP server that is user name and
4. Error Message Failed to connect to Email server
a. Tally unable to communicate to the SMTP server. Mention the correct
SMTP server and check it.
b. Trouble shoot the above through Telnet service
c. Also check the pinging
1. Ping the mail server from dos prompt
In the command prompt, type ping smtp server name.
Once you press enter, response should receive from the email server.
2. If it is pinging, note down the ip address of the mail server and mention the
same in the Email server field in the tally.
If you get Request timed out indicates, as shown below that means
email server is not responding. So Contact the Internet provider regarding this.
5. Error Message Mail server did not handshake:
a. Tally able to communicate to the SMTP server but respond from the
SMTP server is failed.
b. Troubleshoot by changing the host name. Computer name should not
contain any special characters. For example. If computer name is
Krishna_01 then there may be a chance to show this error message while
sending email. So kindly ignore the special characters (-, @, #,_) while
defining computer name.